
Fossil fuels are on the verge of exhaustion in the near future. Hence, cities need to be future ready for the post-fossil fuel era. Every smart city’s priority lies in combating global warming, sudden climatic changes, and increasing environmental pollution. SmartCity.Press provides a distinct platform that creates environmental awareness and indirectly helps the smart cities in conceiving the new strategies being implemented around the world to overcome the adverse climatic changes.

Smart Cities and the Future of Smart Workplaces

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing cities around the globe. Urban spaces that embrace smart tech are improving accessibility...

How Smart Cities Can Improve the Health of People and the...

Most people have heard of smart home technology, and many have at least one piece of smart...

How to Create a Sustainable Startup in 2023

Creating a sustainable startup is a complex task that requires a combination of strategy, execution, and resilience....

Sustainable Decorating Tips for an Eco Friendly Home

Decorating your home is a great way to express your style and personality, but it can also...

Easy Ways Companies Can Save Money by Going Green

In today's business landscape, companies are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental impact and operate in...