
Fossil fuels are on the verge of exhaustion in the near future. Hence, cities need to be future ready for the post-fossil fuel era. Every smart city’s priority lies in combating global warming, sudden climatic changes, and increasing environmental pollution. SmartCity.Press provides a distinct platform that creates environmental awareness and indirectly helps the smart cities in conceiving the new strategies being implemented around the world to overcome the adverse climatic changes.

Best Tips on How to Be an Eco-Friendly Parent

Now that you’re a parent, you need to start seriously thinking about your kids’ future. If we...

How to Make Your Coffee Routine More Eco-Friendly

From its appearance in Europe in the 17th century, coffee has never lost its popularity, and its consumption is expected to rise globally...

How to Be a More Eco-Friendly Pet Parent

Being a pet owner is a wonderful thing. You get a friend that loves you unconditionally, someone...

Useful tips for responsible and eco-friendly snorkelling

Protecting the environment is essential in every aspect of your life. That is especially true when you’re...

Sustainable Construction Materials for 2023 You Need to Know About

Living in the 21st century means being able to do lots of things people before us were...