
Technology has hundreds of different names today which include innovation, big data, smart digital devices, internet of things wireless networking and lots more. Technology appears to be the most persuasive weapon that’s aiding in making a smart city a reality. Our website helps in drawing a line of connection between the consumers and the creators of technology.nts.

Robots – Upcoming Breakthroughs In The Construction World

The use of robots in the construction industry is not new. In Japan, construction firms were drawn...

Smart cities and sunshine – could Florida be the first fully...

Photo by Gaetano Cessati on Unsplash Florida has been winning awards recently. Not for our sunshine or our beaches, but for...
What Is The Role of Geospatial Technologies In Smart City Development?

GIS Mapping – Key To Improving The Quality Of Life

Planning, design, development and management are critical processes to creating infrastructure in smart cities. And Geographical Information System...

Defensive Operations To Protect The Smart City Resources From Cyber Threats

The Smart City is an urban area that uses technology to source data which is then used...

It’s Time That Robots Take Over A Few Jobs In The...

Robotics and industrial automation are transforming business practices across a broad range of industries. Dubbed as the...