
Technology has hundreds of different names today which include innovation, big data, smart digital devices, internet of things wireless networking and lots more. Technology appears to be the most persuasive weapon that’s aiding in making a smart city a reality. Our website helps in drawing a line of connection between the consumers and the creators of technology.nts.

Face recognition technology: Where are we and is there a cause...

Background vector created by pikisuperstar - The use of facial recognition technology (FRT) has been on a rapid increase....

How Robot Policing Is Taking Over The Challenging Roles?

Artificially intelligent robots are increasingly becoming a crime-fighting tool for police and other law enforcement authorities. From managing...

How 5G is Set to Transform the Supply Chain

The world has long been waiting for the 5G mobile broadband network. As consumers clamor for better...

Seven Open Data Projects Encouraging Active Community Engagement

Data is believed to be the lifeblood of smart cities. But open data is something more than...

The Rising Importance Of Fintech Innovation In The New Age

The rise of fintech has opened an array of opportunities for smart cities to develop and thrive. Its...