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Smart City Initiatives Dealing With Overtourism

The large tourist crowd is always seen at places that are highly popular or are not common elsewhere....

Robots – Upcoming Breakthroughs In The Construction World

The use of robots in the construction industry is not new. In Japan, construction firms were drawn...
What Is The Role of Geospatial Technologies In Smart City Development?

GIS Mapping – Key To Improving The Quality Of Life

Planning, design, development and management are critical processes to creating infrastructure in smart cities. And Geographical Information System...

While 5G Is Still A Stranger For Many, The World Is...

It is less than over two decades when 2G became universal. In a very short time, the...

There Could Be Dangers Lying Ahead of Hyperloop

Almost contradictory to what we had to say in the previous blog, Hyperloop is being seen more...